Sean Anthony Eddy / E+ / Getty Images

U.S. medical labs embrace digital transformation amid staffing, cost and data challenges: Key insights from the 2025 MLO State of the Industry (SOI) Survey

Feb. 24, 2025
U.S. medical laboratory professionals continue on their digital transformation journey, moving from on-premise, legacy laboratory information systems (LIS) to hybrid and cloud...
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
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CDC launches new center for forecasting and outbreak analytics

April 22, 2022
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced the launch of the Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics (CFA). CFA seeks to enhance the nation’s ability...
Soi Featureditem

Using data analytics to improve performance and patient care

Feb. 23, 2022
Many lab managers are using data analytics to measure and manage operational and clinical performance. “We are basically a service line that provides data. We are absolutely buried...
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay
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CDC invests in infectious disease models and analytics

Oct. 27, 2021
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced $26 million in funding to develop next-generation infectious disease forecasting and analytics. The CDC said the...
Image by GuHyeok Jeong from Pixabay
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Cocaine and meth overdoses triple

Oct. 26, 2021
Though many have been focused on opioids, overdoses with cocaine and meth have tripled, a new study in veterans revealed.More than half of the 3,631 veterans who died from overdoses...
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Binary Data Human Image By Gerd Altmann From Pixabay
Artificial Intelligence

Cedars-Sinai Cedars and Tempus to create database and personalized cancer treatment options

Sept. 10, 2021
Cedars-Sinai Cancer and Tempus, a vendor of precision medicine data and tools, are partnering to design personalized cancer treatment options by creating virtual replicas of patients...
Image by DAMIAN NIOLET from Pixabay
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Mayo and Verily to develop clinical analytic tools

Sept. 3, 2021
Mayo Clinic and Verily, a subsidiary of Alphabet, will partner to develop clinical decision-support tools for clinicians.Mayo will provide curated clinical content rooted in its...
Image by Pexels from Pixabay
Computer Analytics Image By Pexels From Pixabay

CDC launches disease forecasting center

Aug. 23, 2021
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) launched a new center designed to advance the use of forecasting and outbreak analytics in public health decision-making. ...
Image by Darwin Laganzon from Pixabay
Analytics Image By Darwin Laganzon From Pixabay

How data analytics improves operational performance at clinical labs

May 19, 2021
Labs are using increasingly sophisticated approaches to data analytics to improve their operations. Most labs use what is known as descriptive analytics, which involves interpreting...
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
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UAB-developed research tool to help scientists understand COVID-19

Feb. 1, 2021
Researchers at University of Alabama at Birmingham have developed PAGER-CoV, which is a database packed with nearly 12,000 (so far) pieces of genetic information on the SARS-CoV...
Pixabay Jesse Orrico Rm Wt Vqn5 Rz U Unsplash

NIH launches database to track neurological systems associated with COVID-19

Jan. 28, 2021
A new database will collect information from clinicians about COVID-19-related neurological symptoms, complications, and outcomes as well as COVID-19 effects on pre-existing neurologica...