bioMérieux has announced that it is presenting a comprehensive automation solution for reference or centralized molecular biology laboratories. As a key component of this modular automation solution, bioMérieux has selected Life Technologies' 7500 instrument range as its preferred thermocyclers (Applied Biosystems) 7500, 7500 Fast and 7500 Fast Dx instruments).
bioMérieux's molecular biology franchise will have two pillars: a comprehensive automation solution for reference or centralized labs; and FilmArray, BioFire's integrated system and its syndromic approach to infectious diseases.
bioMérieux's comprehensive automation solution for reference or centralized labs will be comprised of four modules, from samples to results: NucliSENS easyMAG bioMérieux's sample purification platform: easySTREAM, a Liquid Handling System for the assay PCR set-up, which s being prepared for launch; and Life Technologies' Applied Biosystems real-time PCR instruments; The NucliSentral middleware connects all the platforms.
This new solution will enable labs to optimize testing flows by batches. It will add standardization and traceability in molecular biology laboratories to further improve the quality of the results they deliver to clinicians. Its modularity will also make it possible for the labs to add new modules and gradually invest according to their needs.
Representatives of the companies say the high level of flexibility of this automation solution will enable laboratories to use it with their own “home brew” kits and perform à la carte multiplexing panels. Most bioMérieux PCR assays are validated on Life Technologies' Applied Biosystems 7500 real-time PCR instruments. These assays are mainly aimed at diagnosing infectious diseases: ARGENE molecular biology tests are one of the most comprehensive ranges on the market for immunocompromized patients and respiratory and meningo-encephalitis infections. Learn more about products and services provided by bioMerieux and Life Technologies.