Independent quality control for specialty IA testing Bio-Rad’s Lyphochek Specialty Immunoassay Control is an independent, human serum based, multi-analyte control that helps...
Digital transformation of processes and the resulting data and analytics generated are growing in importance across the healthcare industry, including medical laboratories. ...
There are many misconceptions associated with leukemia; while people generally understand that it is a cancer of the blood, most remain unaware of exactly how the disease works...
Laboratories may begin to see an influx of cardiac biomarker tests accompanying HbA1c testing based on updated American Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines concerning heart ...
inkoly & metamorworks iStock / Getty Images Plus Getty Images
To take the March CE test online go HERE. For more information, visit the Continuing Education tab. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this article, the reader will be able...
The last few decades may very well be considered the decades of innovation for improvement in women’s sexual health. Since the Pap’s efficacy in detecting cervical...
During World War II, to promote cooperation and standardize production among wartime allies, the United States, Canada, and Great Britain formed the United Nations Standards Coordinatin...
The placenta is an ephemeral organ that provides us with the nutrients necessary for development and our initial immunity, removes malevolent agents, and much more before being...
7activestudio / iStock Getty Images Plus Getty Images
Biopsy, generally referred to tissue biopsy, is a procedure where a tissue or a cell is taken from the body and tested for cancer. It uses a morphology-based technique to examine...
You have led Quest Diagnostics Health Trends since its inception. How do you choose the topics to highlight in these reports? Quest Diagnostics Health Trends topics are selected...
This month, we published the results of our third annual State of the Industry survey on laboratory data analytics. Thank you to all who responded to this survey. As Stacia Sump...