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  • November 2023

    Lab Innovator 639b885252167 63eff3371f005 64078a33e949e 648a2566afc8e 64da6218a4caa

    Leading El Paso’s largest clinical lab

    Oct. 18, 2023
    Could you elaborate on how your lab has advanced healthcare services for women in your area?GYN PATH was founded by my father, Philip A. Miles, MD, FACOG, FCAP in 1982 and specializes...
    288372549 © Abdul Moizjaangda, 28929477 © Stylettt |Dreamstime.com
    Dreamstime Xl 288372549

    Molecular diagnostics (MDx) testing expands while lab supply shortages shrink

    Oct. 18, 2023
    The molecular diagnostics (MDx) market is estimated to be worth $16.6B in 2023, and expected to reach $28.6B by 2028, as “Rapid progress in technologies such as next-generation...
    Photo 109939547 © Aleksandar Varbenov | Dreamstime.com
    Dreamstime Xxl 109939547

    Why your lab should leverage testing with allergen components for sesame allergy analysis

    Sesame allergies currently affect roughly one in 200 U.S. citizens and are increasingly becoming a serious public health concern as the number affected continues to rise.1 Given...
    Photo 138637649 © Wrightstudio | Dreamstime.com
    Dreamstime Xxl 138637649

    Why quality matters

    Quality is the mantra of medical laboratory professionals, but what is quality? What does it really mean? Why does it matter? Isn’t quality control (QC) good enough? Isn’t it ...

    More content from November 2023

    Photo 154566229 © Maksim Shmeljov | Dreamstime.com
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    Key points of intersection in diagnosis and treatment of cancer

    Oct. 18, 2023
    With the advancement and expanded uses of technology in the laboratory we have a host of opportunities in the hands of physicians and scientists to explore and study diseases ...
    Leica Biosystems
    Credit: Leica Biosystems

    Quality in, quality out: Practical considerations for ‘digital ready’ slides

    Oct. 18, 2023
    Optimizing lab workflows to produce high-quality ‘digital ready’ slides for whole slide images (WSIs) is essential for organizations using digital pathology. A growing...
    Photo 45294312 © Tyler Olson | Dreamstime.com
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    Continuing Education

    The absence of a safety culture; What contributes to laboratory incidents?

    To take the test online go HERE. For more information, visit the Continuing Education tab. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this article, the reader will be able to: 1. ...
    Christina Wichmann 62abab6410a33 64a3173ec897a 64d68a511f1d5

    Laboratory developed tests part 2

    Oct. 18, 2023
    On October 3, 2023, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published its anticipated proposed rule to regulate laboratory developed tests (LDTs) as medical devices.1 The proposed...