Specimen Collection

Product Focus - Specimen Collection

July 13, 2023
Safe and effortless urine sample transferTransferTop Closed System for Urine Transfer: It eliminates spills, improves lab hygiene, and minimizes contamination risks for precise...
Photo 45150690 © Tyler Olson | Dreamstime.com
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Specimen Collection

Prioritizing safety in phlebotomy: An overview of best practices

Safety is an important concern for both patients and phlebotomists (and other healthcare providers who perform blood draws). Many avoidable errors that pose significant risks ...
Photo 13700520 © Picsfive Dreamstime.com
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Specimen Collection

Blood glucose monitoring

March 27, 2023
Blood glucose monitoring looks at patterns in the fluctuation of blood glucose (sugar) levels that occur in response to diet, exercise, medications, and or pathological processes...
Photo 202649919 © Golden Shrimp | Dreamstime.com
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Specimen Collection

A decade lost to the drug crisis: Toxicology testing magnifies America’s misuse

Jan. 23, 2023
Ten years ago, drug overdoses claimed nearly 42,000 lives annually in the United States.1 By the end of 2021, that number climbed to nearly 108,000.2 Today, the drug crisis shows...
Photo by Olena_T@ gettyimages
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Specimen Collection

Metagenomic surveillance for emerging diseases: An idea whose time has come?

Dec. 21, 2022
At their root, human beings seem an eternally optimistic lot. While historians, epidemiologists, and to some extent the rest of us are at least vaguely aware of such things as...
Photo courtesy of Advanced Instruments, LLC
Linda New Logo Pipetting Sm
Specimen Collection

Shining renewed light on a tried-and-true test: The critical role of osmolality in improving health outcomes in patients with hyponatremia

Nov. 22, 2022
Hyponatremia, defined as a serum sodium concentration of ≤135 mEq/L, is the most common electrolyte disorder encountered in clinical practice, occurring in up to 30% of hospitalized...
Greiner Bio-One North America line of VACUETTE tubes
Specimen Collection

Specimen collection and handling best practices and pitfalls

Sept. 21, 2022
More than seven billion clinical lab tests are performed in the United States each year, according to the American Clinical Laboratory Association.1 While most tests are effectively...
Mini Collect Pixie 01 Gbo
Specimen Collection

Product Focus - Specimen Collection

April 20, 2022
Safety lancet for heelsticks MiniCollect PIXIE is a safety lancet designed for capillary blood collection by heelstick. There are three options available with varying incision...
Image by DaModernDaVinci from Pixabay
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Specimen Collection

Thermo Fisher specimen collection device granted FDA EUA

Oct. 20, 2021
Thermo Fisher Scientific received emergency use authorization (EUA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to run COVID-19 tests from saliva samples collected with a...
Image by FrankundFrei from Pixabay
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Specimen Collection

Labcorp earns FDA EUA for COVID-19/flu home collection kit

Oct. 4, 2021
Labcorp received emergency use authorization (EUA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a combined home collection kit for a test that detects COVID-19 and influenza...