Moisture damage resistant cryogenic lab labels
The original CryoLabel permanently adheres to glass vials, test tubes, and plates. It easily handles cryogenic temps and LN2 exposure. CryoLabel can adhere to already frozen surfaces. It will resist moisture through repeated freeze and thaw cycles. Sticks well around curves of tight diameter vials. Available in very small sizes.
Quality you can rely on
VACUETTE Blood Collection Tubes, manufactured by Greiner Bio-One, are used for the collection, transport, and processing of blood in the clinical laboratory. Made of highly transparent, virtually unbreakable PET plastic, VACUETTE tubes are available in a range of sizes, fill volumes, and additives, with color-coded caps for easy tube identification.
Keep handling instructions front and center
Specimen Bags (17500) are preprinted with handling instructions that allow lab personnel to indicate the temperature at which contents should be kept. There are no perforations to compromise the safety of the bag, its contents, or the technician. Bags, available in Blue and Yellow, are sold 100 per package.
Rapid urease test for H. pylori
The Accutest Rapid H. pylori Urease Test detects H. pylori in gastric biopsies with >99% sensitivity and specificity (see IFU). This CLIA-waived, dry test requires no refrigeration or reagents. Positive results can be read as early as one minute, with negative results confirmed in one hour. Ideal for CLIA-waived endoscopy units.
Collect and transport specimen to the lab
Puritan Dry Transport Systems feature sterile specimen collection swabs, including patented flocked swabs as well as other tip fibers. Each system includes a transport tube to safely transport specimens. Available in various tip shapes and sizes — suitable for a variety of collection sites including nasal, nasopharyngeal, throat, and more.
Safe and hygienic needless urine transfer
NFT is a closed system for needle-free urine transfer. Needle-free containers feature an integrated transfer unit with pierceable membrane. Following collection with the Urine Monovette using a syringe technique, the membrane reseals ensuring hygienic sample collection. The Urine Monovette then acts as a primary tube for transport, analysis, and centrifugation.