
Feb. 1, 2004

Phlebotomy has evolved into a profession that
requires specialized education and training. Apart from having to master
the many required techniques and skills associated with blood drawing
and sundry sample collection, phlebotomists also need to ensure
compliance with safety and prevention regulations, as well as to develop
keen judgment, good attitude, and highly effective communication skills
to successfully interact with patients. They are, after all, the vital
link between the patient and the lab, and are responsible for the
collection of quality specimens by the safest means possible, that
ultimately impact on the final outcome of test results.

Train and re-train

A new interactive CD-ROM, Mission Critical Phlebotomy, written by active laboratory professionals, trains and re-trains individuals on the background basics, techniques, and pitfalls of phlebotomy. With over 210 color photographs and diagrams, the MediaLab Phlebotomy Module has been integrated with the MediaLab Learning system to provide full video narration, 12 interactive case studies, and a built-in quiz-and-tracking system. Areas of emphasis include specimen collection and identification, Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act compliance, vigilance against bloodborne pathogen, and professionalism at the bedside. With PowerPoint 2000 version included, the material can also be used for in-house lectures and seminars.

Mission Critical Phlebotomy

MediaLab Inc.

Workplace CEU credits

A professional training course in phlebotomy is conveniently brought to the workplace for 10 people and upward. Course topics include phlebotomys role in healthcare, anatomy and physiology of the circulatory system, safety precautions, OSHAs needlestick-injury precautions, infection control, phlebotomy techniques and equipment, specimen identification and handling, venipuncture in pediatrics, and fingerstick puncture. The course provides eight hours of continuing education and a copy of Essentials of Phlebotomy, Vol. 2, workbook.

In-house Phlebotomy Course

Critical Concepts Medical Education

Learn routine to difficult draws

Providing complete instruction from routine venipuncture through to difficult draws, the new BD Blood Collection Education Program Edition II is designed for novice technicians as well as professional staff whose duties may now include routine blood collection, and also as a review for seasoned technicians. This comprehensive on-site study kit provides the information and techniques designed to help techs protect themselves, their patients, and sample integrity while drawing, handling, and transporting blood specimens. The program includes six videos, The Phlebotomy Handbook, instructional literature, safety-engineered products to practice technique, and four continuing education contact hours.

Blood Collection Education Program

BD Education Center

Reproducible bleeding time

A new and innovative constant force device, the Tip Tripper, improves reproducibility of the bleeding-time test by reducing tech-to-tech variability. Used in unison with either the Nicky or the Triplett incision device, it is available in two standard applied pressure levels 1.9 lbs. for infant heel sampling and 3.2 lbs. for bleeding times. Simple to operate, the incision device is loaded into Tip Tripper and placed against the prepared skin. Once the prescribed amount of pressure has been applied, the Tip Tripper actuates the incision device controlling the penetration of the cutting blade into the capillary bed.

Tip Tripper

Helena Laboratories

Online coursework

New and available online at, a course entitled Phlebotomy: Difficult Draws is intended to provide training for phlebotomists and laboratory professionals in procedures for collecting blood samples from sites using indwelling intravenous lines and vascular access devices. The course provides a basic review of alternatives for obtaining samples when performing venipuncture in the antecubital fossa area (difficult draws) is not possible. The course qualifies participants for 0.15 CEU and 1.5 contact hours.

Phlebotomy: Difficult Draws


Lifelike models assist

The new Advanced Venipuncture Training Aid allows educators and trainers to teach sound phlebotomy techniques on lifelike models, giving students the opportunity to improve venipuncture competency and technique by progressing from easier, larger veins to the more difficult, smaller veins. The training aid features four visible and/or palpable veins of varying size and depth. Three veins, each a different diameter, are embedded in a semitransparent, tissue-like material. The fourth vein is deeply placed to simulate the variations in patient anatomy that phlebotomists regularly encounter. As a needle enters the vein, a physical “pop” is felt, followed by a realistic “flashback” of simulated blood confirming the proper needle placement.

Advanced Venipuncture Training Aid

Vata Inc.

Economical hands-on aid

Economical and ideally suited to basic and refresher training, the Venatech IV Trainer is easily attached to a persons arm, providing students with a live subject with whom to practice hands-on IV techniques, while learning essential patient communication skills. The trainer includes the three main veins cephalic, basilic, and median cubital all in correct anatomical position. An arterial vessel is present on the trainer for arterial blood gas simulation, which can also be used as a tool for showing how to correct the puncture through a vein into an artery.

Venatech IV Trainer

MarketLab Inc.

Phlebotomy training arm

A training arm that provides complete venous access, the Life/form Advanced Injection Arm has an extensive eight-line vascular system allowing students to practice venipuncture at all primary and secondary locations. Flexion of the wrist helps students develop manipulation skills. Valves in the veins can be seen and palpated on the skin surface, the replaceable skin rolls as the veins are palpated, and a discernable “pop” is felt when entering the veins. The venous system simplifies setup with only one external fluid bag supplying artificial blood to all veins simultaneously. The arm is supplied with two quarts simulated blood, 3-cc syringe, 12-cc syringe, needle, two fluid bags, instruction manual, and carrying case.

Life/form Advanced Injection Arm

Simulaids Inc.

Online CEU program

All healthcare workers who perform, supervise, or manage blood-collection procedures for clinical testing will find that  The Learning Curve online CEU program provides accurate and authoritative information on pre-analytical errors, phlebotomy-related lawsuits, needlestick prevention, and emerging developments in the field of specimen collection. Users access lessons from the Center for Phlebotomy website, read all articles assigned to the lesson selected, and complete an exam based on program material. Each lesson qualifies the participant for 1.0 continuing education credit through the ASCLS/P.A.C.E. program.

The Learning Curve

Center for Phlebotomy Education Inc.

Needlestick-risk minimization

The Vaku-8 Plus Safety Blood Collection Set incorporates an OSHA-compliant shielded needle that requires only one hand to activate. The needle is shielded throughout withdrawal, minimizing risk of needlestick. The shield is designed to maximize wing flexibility, yielding superior tactile feel, ease of use, and enhanced patient comfort. Each winged infusion set is 100% latex-free, constructed with kink-resistant PVC tubing and pre-assembled multiple sample luer. Offered in different needle gauges, the Vaku-8 Plus Safety Sets are individually packaged in easy-to-open blister packs.

Vaku-8 Plus

Myco Medical

 February 2004: Vol. 36, No. 2

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