April 2018

Continuing Education

Chemistry analyzers’ advancing technology offers increased testing capabilities

March 22, 2018
CONTINUING EDUCATIONTo earn CEUs, visit www.mlo-online.com under the CE Tests tab. LEARNING OBJECTIVES1. Describe the history of clinical chemistry systems upon the emergence ...

Developing liquid biopsy diagnostic testing for cancer immunotherapy selection in NSCLC patients

March 22, 2018
More than 125,000 people are diagnosed yearly with lung cancer in the United States, and more than half die from the disease.1 Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is one the most...

What do we gain from liquid biopsy tests in lung cancer?

March 22, 2018
We asked Michael Apostolis, MDAs a pulmonologist, why do you order liquid biopsies?Dr. Apostolis: Liquid biopsy, in conjunction with tissue biopsy, provides further information...
Infectious Disease

A laboratory perspective on emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases in North America

In the world of infectious diseases, recently there have been some new factors and some that are “déjà vu all over again,” as Yogi Berra might have put it. Weather, natural disasters...
Continuing Education

Future prospects for flow cytometry

March 22, 2018
The world of flow cytometry is rapidly evolving. During the past few years, there have been significant changes regarding the qualifications for personnel credentialed to perform...

More content from April 2018

Mlo201804 Future Buzz Mayo Fig1

Establishing and implementing LDTs utilizing the Test Life Cycle Model

March 22, 2018
In the United States, there are two types of laboratory tests: U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA)-approved or laboratory-developed (LDTs). Most often, FDA-approved tests are...
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Puritan Medical Products celebrates a century of service

March 22, 2018
Timothy Templet Executive VP of Sales and Managing Partner,Puritan Medical Products Professional: As Executive VP of Sales since 1987, my role has greatly expanded from expertise...

The Observatory

March 22, 2018
Autism Awareness April is Autism Awareness Month. Following are some key statistics about a disorder that the American public has become increasingly aware of—and that medicine...