May 22, 2013

Results in 5 to10 minutes

Status iFOBT is a rapid immunoassay for the qualitative detection of immunochemical fecal occult blood. Its objective is to detect human hemoglobin in human fecal specimens as an aid in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders. The 30-test kit is ideal for any size physician’s office to conduct routine patient screening. The patient’s specimen sample can be collected in-office or at home with inclusion of instructions, sample collection tubes, and return mailing envelopes. Its sensitivity and specificity reduce the rate of false positive results often associated with traditional guaiac test methods. There are no dietary or drug restrictions. With a quick and easy-to-perform test procedure, results are available in five to ten minutes, and no other invasive methods are required.

Visit LifeSign

Economic testing of dual samples

The Accutest® iFOBT Dual-Sample Test System is a point-of-care product for colorectal cancer screening. This immunological qualitative test detects human hemoglobin in feces and allows two samples to be tested economically on the same test device. Since polyps bleed intermittently, testing more than one sample from different bowel movements improves accuracy and is recommended by the American Cancer Society. The Dual-Sample Test System is CLIA waived, easy to use, requires no dietary restrictions, and provides rapid results in less than five minutes. Convenient home collection materials include a unique buffer solution, which allows 18-day stability of sample at room temperature. A single iFOBT test system also is available. 

JANT Pharmacal Corporation

Visit JANT Pharmacal Corporation

One-step test

Hemosure®  Immunochemical Fecal Occult Blood Test (iFOBT) provides higher revenue and better patient care than the old guaiac method that the 2009 ACG Guidelines recommends be abandoned as a method  for CRC screening. Hemosure iFOBT (FIT) offers a notable consideration in that there are no drug or diet restrictions. It is a rapid, convenient, and odorless test for the determination of human hemoglobin in feces, typically used for colorectal cancer screening. The one-step immunological fecal occult blood test is a qualitative, sandwich dye conjugate immunoassay and employs a unique combination of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to seletively identify hemoglobin in test samples with a high degree of sensitivity. In  five minutes, elevated levels of human hemoglobin as low as 50 ng hHB/mL can be detected, and positive results for high levels of hemoglobin can be seen in the test as early as one or two minutes.

Hemosure, Inc.

Visit Hemosure, Inc.

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