Enzyme identified as new therapeutic target for “cold” tumors

Dec. 4, 2024
Drugs that suppress UBA1 could make immune checkpoint blocking immunotherapy effective for patients with prostate cancer and other “cold” tumors.

A study from the University of Michigan Health Rogel Cancer Center may have, at last, cracked the cold case of immunotherapy resistance.

The research, led by Arul M. Chinnaiyan, M.D., Ph.D., identifies the UBA1 enzyme, already known to contribute to tumor growth, as a key mediator for the immune response to a tumor. Inhibiting its activity increases T-cell recruitment and lowers tumor resistance to immunotherapies. 

With at least one UBA1 inhibitor in clinical trials, the findings open the door to a combination immune checkpoint blockade therapy in the not too distant future. The study was published in Cancer Discovery.

“We’ve seen remarkable clinical successes with immunotherapies, especially with this checkpoint therapy,” said Chinnaiyan, director of the Michigan Center for Translational Pathology. Kidney cancers, some melanomas, and non-small cell lung cancers respond well to immune checkpoint blockade.

But not all cancers respond strongly—or at all—to immunotherapies. 

Certain cancers considered “cold” tumors, such as prostate cancer, have fewer intratumoral T cells, so the immune response is weaker than for “hot” tumors with many such cells. 

While “hot” tumors typically respond well to immunotherapies, “cold” tumors do not. 

Tumors can also evade immune surveillance, hiding from the immune system and avoiding triggering a swarm of T-cells, and alter the tumor microenvironment. 

As effective as immunotherapies can be, some tumors have gotten “smart,” Chinnaiyan said, limiting the therapies’ potential.

“One of the challenges has been how to expand the utility of immunotherapeutic approaches to more cancer patients and more cancer types,” Chinnaiyan said. 

“With this study, we were looking to identify compounds or approaches that could help us do that.”

Chinnaiyan and his collaborators had their eye on ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 1, or UBA1, which had previously been established as an essential presence in cancer cells. 

While UBA1 had been on investigators’ radars, it was primarily as a target with direct tumor cell effects, with inhibitor drugs such as TAK-243 already designed to that end and demonstrated to have anti-tumor efficacy. 

No testing had been done to determine what, if any, effects UBA1 inhibition could have on the tumor microenvironment or the overall immune response.

The researchers analyzed genetic data from 208 metastatic prostate tumor samples, looking at more than 600 genes and their correlation with interferon-gamma, an anti-tumor gene that immune effector cells produce.

They found 17 genes that negatively correlated with IFNG expression, indicated a dampened immune response to the cancer’s presence. 

Among those, UBA1 had the strongest negative correlation with IFNG expression. 

Patients whose tumors had high levels of UBA1 expression also tended to be more resistant to ICB therapy, leading to poorer outcomes.

University of Michigan release on Newswise

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