Roche launches NAVIFY Guidelines app

Oct. 22, 2019

In a release, Roche announced the release of its latest app as part of the NAVIFY Decision Support portfolio. The NAVIFY Guidelines app embeds the latest NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines) covering the four most common cancers within NAVIFY Tumor Board. When opening a patient case, the app identifies the appropriate guidelines based on the patient’s cancer type. Clinicians can then select the intended pathway, easily click through the digitized decision tree or flowchart and personalize individual steps for a specific patient. The pathway is accessible to all tumor board participants and can be exported to include in the practice’s EMR system, send to patients or submit for reimbursement approval by payers.

Guidelines in clinical practice help explain a disease and determine the optimal evidence-based treatment for individual patients based on their diagnosis, disease stage, age and other factors.  In addition, clinical guidelines contribute to care management by promoting practice conformity and reducing cost.

Due to advances in medicine, NCCN Guidelines are updated continuously. At the same time, with the move to more value-based care and respective payment models, clinicians face an increasing need for adhering to proven guideline recommendations. By digitizing the guidelines process, alerting users real-time about new and updated guidelines and making the respective pathway available as part of the holistic patient dashboard in NAVIFY Tumor Board, the NAVIFY Guidelines app not only ensures that oncology care teams refer to latest information and are aligned regarding what is planned for the patient but also facilitates documentation.

“The NAVIFY Guidelines app provides clinicians with peace of mind that the latest clinical guidance has been considered in treatment decision making and monitoring. The ability to facilitate and track guidelines adherence, personalization and documentation supports evidence-based care for patients around the globe. This latest addition to the NAVIFY ecosystem marks another step in supporting the move towards truly individualized care,” said Thomas Schinecker, CEO Roche Diagnostics.

The NAVIFY Guidelines app is available in the US, Canada, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

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