WHO announces the release of ScreenTB

Oct. 16, 2023
A web-based tool to help countries prioritize action for TB screening and prevention.

The World Health Organization’s Global Tuberculosis Program announced the update and release of ScreenTB (screentb.org) - a web-based tool designed to assist countries in prioritizing risk groups for screening, as well as in developing screening and prevention approaches tailored to country contexts.

ScreenTB utilizes data from the WHO’s latest Global TB Report and other international databases, as well as data from the published literature, to provide the latest country-specific estimates of key information on TB burden and risk factors, accuracy of screening and diagnostic tools, and country-specific estimates of costs. The tool also lets users customize risk groups and screening tools as desired.

ScreenTB then generates estimates of a number of important outcomes for the user, specific to the country and risk groups being screened and the tools and algorithms selected, including yield of screening, eligibility for TB preventive treatment, and costs. The tool also generates a number of figures to allow for visual comprehension and comparison of the outcomes.

ScreenTB is available free of charge for all. For more information on the ScreenTB tool, please contact [email protected].

WHO release

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