Experimental blood test predicts risk for developing COPD, other severe respiratory diseases
A scientific team supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has created a preclinical blood test to identify adults most likely to develop severe respiratory conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
The blood test analyzes 32 proteins that scientists determined accurately predicted an adult with an increased likelihood for requiring medical care for or dying from severe respiratory illness. The risk score was based on lung health data collected from nearly 2,500 U.S. adults over a 30-year period. The findings were published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
To create the risk score, investigators first reviewed lung health data collected from 2,470 adults, ages 18-30, who participated in a 30-year cardiovascular health study. They then screened thousands of proteins from blood samples provided by participants at the 25-year mark and selected 32 that best predicted which participants were having a rapid decline in lung function. These 32 proteins were then compiled in a score to predict how likely a person would either need medical treatment for or die from a lung condition or severe respiratory event.
Adults with higher scores had a 17% increased chance of requiring hospital care for respiratory illness, an 84% increased chance of developing COPD, and at least an 81% increased chance of dying from a respiratory disease, such as COPD or pneumonia. Adults with higher scores also had a 10% increased chance of experiencing respiratory exacerbations, such as a cough, mucus, or shortness of breath, that required treatment.
Participants in the decades-long study took breathing tests to measure their lung function — up to six times throughout the study — and generated other lung health data. Throughout this period, 2,332 participants experienced a normal decline in lung function and 138 experienced a sharp decline.
To test the risk score, researchers used it to retrospectively assess respiratory disease risks in more than 40,000 adults from two earlier observational studies. The prediction model successfully identified adults who had the greatest chance of having severe respiratory conditions after multiple factors, including sex, race, body weight, asthma, and a history of smoking, were accounted for.