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eHandbook: Respiratory illnesses and laboratory diagnosis

Dec. 13, 2023
Diagnosing bacterial and viral respiratory illnesses


To help you address respiratory illnesses in the laboratory, Medical Laboratory Observer has put together this eHandbook, which includes insight on:

Respiratory illnesses and opportunities for stewardship — Roles of diagnostic and antimicrobial stewardship in the implementation of respiratory illness diagnostics

Post-COVID-19 symptoms — Long-term consequences with multiple manifestations

Flu season — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance for laboratorians on testing for influenza


To help you address respiratory illnesses in the laboratory, Medical Laboratory Observer has put together this eHandbook, which includes insight on:

Respiratory Illnesses and Opportunities for Stewardship — Roles of diagnostic and antimicrobial stewardship in the implementation of respiratory illness diagnostics

Post-COVID-19 Symptoms — Long-term consequences with multiple manifestations

Flu Season — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance for laboratorians on testing for influenza


Sponsored by: Asuragen, Diasorin, Qiagen, and Sekisui Diagnostics