Applications for 2023 Future Leader Scholarship awards program due September 8

Aug. 3, 2023

AABB is accepting applications for the 2023 Future Leader Scholarship Awards Program for specialists in blood banking (SBB) (or equivalent) and transfusion medicine fellows through Sept. 8. Bestowed annually, the awards — up to two for each discipline — are meant to encourage interest in transfusion medicine research, development and continuing education. 

To be eligible for the transfusion medicine fellow awards program, applicants must be current fellows in a transfusion medicine program or training program that includes at least one continuous year in transfusion medicine training. 

To be considered for the SBB (or equivalent) awards program, applicants must be enrolled in, accepted for enrollment in, or have recently completed training (within 12 months) in an SBB (or equivalent) certification course from an AABB-accredited institution. AABB will present the awards during the 2023 AABB Annual Meeting, to be held Oct. 14-17 in Nashville, Tenn., where award recipients will deliver a five-minute lecture on their study at the Transfusion Medicine Subsection Coordinating Committee business meeting and luncheon. 

AABB release

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