HHS releases Healthy People 2030

Aug. 19, 2020

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released Healthy People 2030 – a 10-year plan to address critical public health priorities and challenges, with measurable objectives and targets, according to a press release.

Healthy People 2030 features 355 core – or measurable – objectives with 10-year targets. It also includes new objectives related to opioid use disorder and youth e-cigarette use, and resources for adapting Healthy People 2030 to emerging public health threats like COVID-19. For the first time, Healthy People 2030 also sets 10-year targets for objectives related to social determinants of health.

In addition to social determinants of health, the plan prioritizes economic stability, education access and quality, healthcare access and quality. Healthy People 2030 also focuses on health disparities, health equity, and health literacy.

A federal advisory committee of 13 external thought leaders and a workgroup of subject-matter experts from more than 20 federal agencies contributed to Healthy People 2030, along with public comments received throughout the development process, HHS said.

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