Healthcare organizations underutilize digital strategies to improve the experience of employees, according to a study released Thursday by HIMSS.
Respondents were asked about their current strategies for improving both patient and provider experiences, and the perceived value of those programs.
Based on insights from more than 170 U.S. health systems respondents, the study found that healthcare organizations are not emphasizing employee experience, including provider burnout. Currently, 60 percent of healthcare organizations lack a formal strategy to accurately measure burnout. At the same time, more than a third of the health systems surveyed report that they have no strategy in place to measure electronic health record (EHR) satisfaction.
To successfully reduce physician burnout, healthcare organizations should invest in both measurement strategies and management strategies, including offering workshops on how to manage work-related stress and personal dashboards that demystify individual quality performance, the study’s authors suggest.
Poor EHR usability significantly creates burden for physicians, yet 38 percent of health systems lack a formal strategy to address the problem, the study found. To improve EHR satisfaction, healthcare organizations should provide end-user training, incorporate emerging best practices like audit long analysis into EHR satisfaction programs, and pilot emerging technologies and include burnout as a key performance indicator, the study’s authors suggest.