Process up to four discrete samples on the same microarray
Gram-positive blood culture test
QC products
Detect 14 respiratory virus types and subtypes
Antimicrobial stewardship initiative
Sample to answer assay
Simplexa® Flu A/B & RSV Direct is a real-time RT-PCR assay that is truly sample to answer— patient samples are loaded directly on to the 8-well Direct Amplification Disc without the need for extraction. Influenza A, influenza B, and RSV can be detected and differentiated in about an hour. The assay is designed for use on the 3M™ Integrated Cycler, a scalable, real-time PCR instrument that uses less than one square foot of laboratory bench space. Laboratories can set up a run in three easy steps: 1) SCAN the assay definition, reagent barcode, disc barcode, and patient ID; 2) PIPETTE reaction mix and sample into the appropriate well; 3) START the run after loading disc onto the 3M™ Integrated Cycler. Focus Diagnostics, Inc.