Clinical Laboratory Coalition seeks meeting with OIG

July 19, 2013

The Clinical Laboratory Coalition (CLC) has formally requested a meeting with the HHS Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to discuss the findings and methodology of the June 2013 OIG Study, “Comparing Lab Test Payment Rates: Medicare Could Achieve Substantial Savings.” The CLC, a broad coalition of clinical laboratory associations, has been joined by other healthcare provider organizations and diagnostic companies.

Recommendations released by the OIG call for significant cuts to Medicare laboratory payments and increased costs on Medicare beneficiaries for laboratory services. The CLC believes that if the OIG recommendations are acted on, access to testing services for millions of Medicare beneficiaries, including those who reside in skilled nursing facilities, would be threatened.

The National Independent Laboratory Association (NILA), a trade association for clinical laboratories that provides a forum for the sharing of technical and business expertise, serves as a facilitator for the CLC. NILA focuses on business/management issues facing laboratories, such as marketing/sales, contracting with managed care companies, finding and keeping good employees, financial management, expanding test menus, managing growth, competing with publicly traded laboratories, and acting on legislative and regulatory issues facing the laboratory industry. Read a copy of the July 11, 2013, letter to Inspector General Daniel R. Levinson.

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