San Francisco-based Practice Fusion has launched the Patient Fusion site to help doctors in the United States open their calendars to patients online. The network includes more than 27,000 physicians in the U.S. Visitors to the site can find a verified doctor based on specialty and location, read reviews from actual patient visits, and request appointments.
Every physician available through Patient Fusion is using its electronic health record (EHR) to manage patients’ health, including new patient appointment requests. Approved requests will appear in the EHR schedule and will generate confirmation emails with instructions related to the visit. Physician users can also give patients instant access to their personal health records online. By granting patients access to their records, practices can make it easier for patients to keep an eye on key data such as immunizations and allergies and to follow post-visit instructions.
With medical charting, scheduling, e-prescribing (eRx), lab integrations, referral letters, Meaningful Use certification, unlimited support, and a personal health record for patients, company representatives say, Patient Fusion addresses the increasingly complex and interrelated needs of today's healthcare providers. According to Ryan Howard, CEO of Practice Fusion, the site also provides “unprecedented transparency into health care for patients.” Learn more about Patient Fusion.