Readers Respond

June 1, 2011

Letters to the Editor

Readers Respond

More meaning for meaningful use?

I would like to add one comment to the December 2010 “Washington Report” article (page 39), “IICC aims to connect labs and clinicians.” Although the integration of structured lab data into the electronic health record (EHR) is listed as one of the 10 menu set objectives in the meaningful-use incentive program, the program did not require the data to be electronically transmitted from the lab to the EHR. The lab data may be manually entered into the EHR. Therefore, clinicians may satisfy this meaningful-use criterion without an electronic data exchange with the laboratory.

Lisa Turgeon, MT/BB(ASCP)

Somersworth, NH

Editor's note: 
Ms. Turgeon, thank you for your addition to the material contained in the aforementioned article. Every bit of information about this new concept in the laboratory is of great help to many readers, we are certain.

Gloves? Gloves? Who has the gloves?

I enjoy reading your magazine from cover to cover. I was very disturbed by an oversight in the photo on page 32 in your June 2010 issue. WHERE ARE THE GLOVES ON THE MEDICAL PERSON!!!!! A laboratory magazine making a faux pas like this is surprising, to say the least. Having been a CLS for 34 years, [I know] gloving is Number One in protective gear! Thank you for listening.

Nancy L. Perchalski

Phoenixville, PA

Even as 30-year lab tech that was trained when there were very few personal protective devices, I was shocked to see your picture on page 32 of the June MLO under the special feature of “Talking testing for women's health.” No gloves?? In a picture of someone appearing to be drawing blood in MLO?? Let alone in the special feature that may draw even more attention … . A rather big oops, don't you think?

Janet Eugley, MT(ASCP)

Damariscotta, ME

Editor's note: 
Yes, we do think MLO is better than a bigger-than-big “oops.” No excuses. We goofed! Thanks, ladies!

Where are all the LEAN, green labs?

Referring to the “LEAN goes green” article (July 2010, page 26), Children's Hospital in Philadelphia went LEAN years ago and has been green for more than two years. It is nice to hear another lab has joined our efforts.

Charles Sansone, MT(ASCP)

Technical Specialist 2

Core Lab/ICU Lab

Children's Hospital

Philadelphia, PA

Editor's note: 
Mr. Sansone's welcome to another LEANer, greener lab is encouraging. How many other LEAN and “green” labs are there, dear readers? Let us know.

A little ray of …?

This morning one of my techs was performing the morning batch of fecal occult bloods. Attached to one of the collection containers was a little note from the patient that read:  “Thank you for doing the work you do; it helps me stay healthy. It was very well received by the staff and really brightened our day. Hope you get a chuckle. We sure did. Best regards.

Richard A. Kent, MS, MT(ASCP)

Laboratory Manager

Elkhart Clinic LLC

Elkhart, IN

Editor's note: 
We like grateful patients and laboratorians who have a sense of humor!

A lab by any other name?

Is there another more scientific name that the laboratory can be called? (e.g., X-ray is called “diagnostic imaging”). Just about every department here in our hospital has a very professional sounding name, but we are still the “laboratory.” Our lab manager says he won't just let us make up a name. We have to use the name that all the other hospitals use. Is there such a name?

Deven McDougall, MT(ASCP)

Nathan Littauer Hospital

Gloversville, NY

Editor's note: 
MLO's Editorial Advisory Board responded to Deven's plea: 1) “CLSI's GP26 guideline, Application of a Quality Management System Model for Laboratory Services, refers to “laboratory,” “clinical laboratories,” “clinical laboratory services,” and “medical laboratory,” and 2) some places use “clinical” laboratory to differentiate from research or animal facilities. If any readers have christened their labs names other than those listed here, please alert us so that we can share with Deven.

MLO welcomes letters to the editor. We ask that you include a phone number for verification. While we prefer to publish the writer's name, we will publish a letter with “name withheld by request,” but our editorial staff must have the writer's name confirmed for our fi les. MLO reserves the right to edit any letter for style and length.

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ID 342579785 © Wanniwat Roumruk |
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