Halford delivers Paradigm 3 paperless package to the lab

July 1, 2010
… we decided to pursue providing a computerized paperless system for quality management …
Gary Halford


The Interax Group
Ontario, Canada


Quality Engineering,
Trent Polytechnic,
Nottingham, UK


Boating, music, soccer.

Paperless Paradigm. Interax was established in 1995 with the goal of helping companies implement quality-management systems that were simple, robust, and easy to manage. We were successful and, after four years, had assisted approximately 150 companies through to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) registration — with none falling by the wayside. A turning point for our company was in 1998 when we decided to pursue providing a computerized paperless system for quality management and formed a partnership with Paradigm Software to provide our customers with this type of solution. Visit AACC booth 7534 for a demonstration.

Companies kept in compliance. Awareness of the need for document and compliance management in the laboratory environment has greatly increased over the last four years. Interax Group first started in this area in 2003 following the mandatory requirement of all labs in Ontario, Canada, to meet the Ontario Lab Accreditation standard (which is similar to ISO 15189) — and our solution was selected by the majority of labs to manage their systems. We did, however, see some organizations in the United States become early adopters — including two of the six current ISO 15189-registered companies who are our customers.

Attention to details. We have found that the greatest challenge for labs is to design a system that is simple to manage but ensures compliance to the standard. I think most organizations have some trepidation in approaching a formal quality-assurance system, and our experience shows that if the lab develops a system that blends the best of its current system with the ISO requirements, it greatly improves employee buy-in and makes implementation much easier and accepted as a positive step for the organization. Labs gain major benefits from adopting such a system, which enables them to systematically identify and implement areas of improvement — ensuring a much more consistent approach to the way they operate, ultimately reducing liability and costs.

Keeping track of it all. One of the challenges in managing a compliance system is addressing the numerous required tasks. This demands a great amount of diligence and even more effort. For example, annual document reviews can involve an extensive effort in tracking completions, updating records, and following up with the various personnel involved. A software package such as Paradigm 3 can be an essential tool in reducing the manual effort required to keep a lab system compliant.

Get in the game. At Interax, we focus on employee development through a proactive approach not only to formal training but also by ensuring all personnel go onsite during installations and training which enables them to understand the customers' needs. That interaction and feedback assists us in improving our software and service. This variety of challenges both offsite and onsite has led to employee retention and commitment to our company. Our company philosophy is to encourage involvement in the local community. In particular, we are great believers in supporting local sports — encouraging our staff to be involved in both organizing and coaching. We feel this provides a two-way benefit both to the communities and to the employee.

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