SCC CEO Hakim and staff aim for top spot

July 1, 2009

Gilbert Hakim


Founder/CEO, SCC Soft Computer (SCC), 1979 to present.

Formerly held several technical and management positions

in the telecommunications industry

with Periphonics.


BS, Physics; MS, Computer Science and Applied Mathematics,
Stony Brook University, NY.


Tennis and soccer


Celebrating SCC's 30th anniversary. SCC
Soft Computer is an anomaly in a world of corporate conglomerates,
mergers, and acquisitions, because it is a privately held company with
the same core management team — still going strong after three decades
of progressive growth. As a laboratory information systems (LIS)
software vendor, our primary focus remains helping clients optimize
their workflow and recoup a maximum return on their investment.
Attention to innovation, education and training, and customer support
and satisfaction will remain among our top priorities as we celebrate
our shared 30-year journey of innovation and excellence with our valued
clients and staff.

Brave new world. There are continuing
breakthroughs in genetics. Massive amounts of data too large to be
managed by the traditional LIS are being introduced into laboratories,
so healthcare IT providers must develop solutions that address the
technological needs of the medical enterprise and design new
applications for laboratories in the current genetics arena. Successful
healthcare IT providers will continue to work with leaders in this new
sphere of technology to develop ground-breaking informatics applications
in genetics testing and molecular diagnostics.

Shared goals. We share our clients' goals
of increased productivity, return on investment, effective information
distribution, and a higher level of patient care. We solicit and receive
substantial feedback from our client base which, through the processes
of our software development life cycle, becomes incorporated into future
releases. SCC's goal is to continue to supply innovative technologies to
meet the diverse needs and strictest demands of each of our clients. As
the company moves forward in the development of new technology —
particularly, in the area of genetics information systems — customer
service and satisfaction remain key to our ability to stay at the
forefront of this increasingly competitive market.

Diversity and generosity. The company and
our employees support a wide variety of community projects including:
Support Your Veterans; Alzheimer Memory Walk; Susan G. Komen Race for
the Cure; Metropolitan Ministries; Hospice ASAP's Brighter Seasons for
Children; the Humane Society of Pinellas County, ASPCA, and the Suncoast
Primate Sanctuary and Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. Staff members
published SCC's Diversity Cookbook, which included their recipes
representing our diverse corporate culture; proceeds from the sale of
the cookbook benefited the Humane Society of Pinellas County. After
devastating floods hit the island nation of Haiti, SCC employees
collected clothing, food, medical supplies, and money to be delivered to
the people affected by this natural disaster by an employee's family.
They also personally delivered supplies, clothing, food, and water to
those affected by Hurricane Katrina in Mississippi, Louisiana, and
Alabama. SCC also supports several international projects of social and
economic development in developing nations.

Moving up the list. We believe continuing
employee education and training are important factors in attracting and
keeping the best employees. Our commitment to our employees'
professional development has been key to our success.
magazine first ranked SCC in the Training Top 100 in
2002 and has placed us higher on the list ever since. In 2007, for the
first time Training included companies from around the globe,
added 25 more slots to the ranking, and ranked SCC No. 14. We placed
eighth in the 2008 Training Top 125, making us the first
healthcare IT company to place in the coveted Top 10. SCC placed third
in the 2009 Training Top 125, marking the first time a healthcare
IT company ranked among the elite Top 5. [Note: See how
SCC compares at

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