“Appreciative words are the most powerful force for good on earth.”*

May 1, 2003
When I joined MLO in May of 2001, our company had just recently bought the magazine. The best thing we inherited from the former owners was the
MLO Editorial Advisory Board. This group of lab professionals has made whatever success weve had here possible. They have patiently responded to our floods of questions, and when they couldnt answer, they would point me in the direction of somebody who could.
In the case of Dr. Chris Frings and Dr. Dan Baer, our contact has been almost daily. Between them, these two gentlemen know everything worth knowing about the clinical laboratory world, and theyre both just fine folks to boot. Almost every clinical article youve read in
MLO has been reviewed by one of those two busy men.
Dennis Ernst, our phlebotomy expert, has become a dear friend, as well as someone I can always count on to help in any way.Dr. Leland Baskin, our Texan Board member who now works in a lab Way Up North in Calgary, has offered invaluable help and advice.Another good friend, Dr. Barbara Harty-Golder, our local pathologist/attorney, has not only written Liability and the Lab for us each month, but also reviewed articles and offered advice.Dr. Sharon Miller, now retired from the Clinical Lab department at Northern Illinois University, still writes and reviews articles for us and helps keep me on the right track.And last but not least, my fellow Southerner Anne Pontius! Anne, too, has become a friend, as shes written columns, reviewed articles, answered questions, made suggestions, and is now on track to moderate our Expert Opinion panel discussion at CLMA in June. Thank you, Editorial Board.I have a fat file full of letters from readers, some of which have been published on our Letters page for all of you to read, and some of them just intended for my eyes only. Almost every one of them has been an encouragement to us, and has helped keep our editorial ship on course.There are many, many other good people, in labs across America, who are always willing to help us. May seems like a good month to say, Thank you. Thank you for reading
MLO, and thank you for supporting us. Keep up the good work in your labs, and keep on fighting for the recognition you deserve as medical professionals.
MLO is behind you all the way.
*George W. CraneCelia Stevens
[email protected]
2003 Nelson Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

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