Current state of STI testing in the U.S.: An MLO online exclusive interview

April 22, 2024
An MLO online exclusive.

In an online exclusive interview, BD’s Molly Broache, Associate Director of U.S. Medical Affairs, discusses the current state of STI testing in the U.S. with MLO editor in chief, Christina Wichmann.

This is another article exclusively published on the MLO website.

Molly Broache serves as Associate Director, US Region, Medical Affairs for BD Diagnostic Solutions and is also licensed as a women’s health nurse practitioner in both Maryland and Virginia. Molly manages a team of medical science liaisons responsible for specimen management, microbiology, and women’s health & cancer.

Molly’s clinical areas of expertise include women’s healthcare, gynecology, infectious disease diagnostic tests, and women’s health screening guidelines. She is a member of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health (NPWH), American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP), and the Medical Science Liaison Society (MSLS). She serves on the membership committee for ASCCP and the Cervical Cancer Screening Initiative – Provider Workgroup for the American Cancer Society.

Molly holds two bachelor’s degrees from Johns Hopkins University, in molecular biology and nursing. She also holds a master’s degree in nursing from Georgetown University, where she received her training as a nurse practitioner. Molly is currently completing her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree at the University of Maryland, Baltimore.

Read the interview here

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Sexually Transmitted Infections - United States 2024-2023.
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