HHS releases STI Federal Implementation Plan

June 9, 2023
The new plan outlines federal actions to reduce the burden of sexually transmitted infections in the United States through 2025.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released the STI Federal Implementation Plan.

The STI Federal Implementation Plan highlights more than 200 actions that federal stakeholders will take to achieve its five goals:

Goal 1: Prevent New STIs

Goal 2: Improve the Health of People by Reducing Adverse Outcomes of STIs

Goal 3: Accelerate Progress in STI Research, Technology, and Innovation

Goal 4: Reduce STI-Related Health Disparities and Health Inequities

Goal 5: Achieve Integrated, Coordinated Efforts That Address the STI Epidemic

STI Federal Implementation Plan

STI National Strategic Plan

HHS release

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Courtesy of the CDC
Sexually Transmitted Infections - United States 2024-2023.
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