Ebola total climbs to 2,277 amid security, reintroduction worries

June 28, 2019

The pace of new Ebola cases in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) held steady last week, but health officials are worried about activity rising in areas where transmission was low and new security incidents in several locations that threaten response operations.

Meanwhile, the DRC health ministry reported 18 new cases as of June 25, and the World Health Organization (WHO) online Ebola dashboard reflects an additional 12 cases as of June 26, which would boost the outbreak total to 2,277.

In its weekly situation report on the outbreak, the WHO said Ebola activity continues with steady and sustained intensity, with security incidents returning to Beni—one of the outbreak's former major hot spots—and armed group movements in Musienene and Manguredjipa impeding access to a health area next to Mabalako's hardest-hit area.

Another concern it aired is a tense security situation in neighboring Ituri province cities Bunia and Komanda in the wake of attacks in early June.

Over the past few weeks, indicators show hints of easing transmission intensity in the two biggest recent epicenters, Katwa and Butembo. However, the optimism is offset by new cases in previously affected areas, including Komanda, Lubero, and Rwampara. For example, over the past week, Komanda reported its first case after going 11 days without one.

CIDRAP has the full report        

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