HPV self-collection kits increase screening among under-screened, under-served women in North Carolina

May 15, 2023
Phase 3 controlled trial showed that self-collection kits and scheduling assistance are key for reaching these populations and preventing cervical cancer.

Jennifer S. Smith, PhD, and other researchers in the Gillings School of Global Public Health and UNC’s School of Medicine, conducted an open-label, two-arm randomized controlled trial called  “My Body, My Test-3” to see if under-screened, under-served women across North Carolina were more likely to undergo cervical cancer when mailed HPV self-collection kits and offered scheduling assistance.

Researchers found mailed HPV self-collection with scheduling assistance led to more cervical cancer screenings than scheduling assistance alone. The results from the “My Body, My Test-3” study were published in Lancet Public Health.

UNC Healthcare release

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