Urinalysis chemistry test strip procedures
Hemoglobin measurement & hematocrit calculation
Critical care blood gas analyzer
Rapid testing
POCT management and integration software
Urinalysis dipstick control
Dipper POCT Urinalysis Dipstick Control is a single-use liquid quality control that enables improved performance and efficiency with three months room temperature and three years refrigerated stability. Dipper POCT is made with a simulated human urine matrix and formulated with native ketones. The pouch design allows users to visually verify full immersion of the dipstick and minimizes the risk of contamination. Dipper POCT is designed for use in every testing environment including central laboratories, reference laboratories, nursing stations, and doctors’ offices. Quantimetrix
CLIA-waived PCR testing
Controlled venous sampling
Blood analysis testing
Fluorescent immunoassay analyzer
Sofia Influenza A+B FIA with Sofia 2 uses fluorescent technology to deliver automated, objective, and accurate results, with demonstrated sensitivity and specificity as high as 100 percent. Sofia 2 is a small benchtop fluorescent immunoassay analyzer with flexible workflows to accommodate any laboratory environment and testing volume. Results store automatically on Sofia 2 and can optionally be exported, printed, sent directly to your LIS, or viewed remotely with Quidel’s secure, HIPAA-compliant Virena data management system. Sofia 2 CLIA waived assays include Sofia Influenza A+B FIA, Sofia RSV FIA, Sofia Strep A+ FIA, and Sofia 2 Lyme FIA. Quidel