QIAGEN expands QIAcuity digital PCR offering with over new 100 assays via GeneGlobe platform

Sept. 19, 2024
QIAGEN adds over 100 new validated QIAcuity digital PCR assays for cancer research, inherited genetic disorders, infectious disease surveillance, and other applications.

QIAGEN announced the launch of 100 new assays for its digital PCR (dPCR) platform QIAcuity for use in the study of cancer, inherited genetic disorders, infectious disease surveillance, and food and environmental monitoring. 

These new assays are available through QIAGEN’s comprehensive GeneGlobe platform which integrates pre-designed assays with a database of more than 10,000 biological entities including genes, miRNAs, and pathways.

The newly launched assays include:

  • dPCR LNA (locked nucleic acid) Mutation and dPCR CNV (copy number variation) Probe Assays are designed to investigate cancer-relevant mutations and CNVs, which means changes in the number of copies of certain DNA sequences, in genes, including mutations associated with colorectal cancer, malignant tumors of the connective and supporting tissue, so-called sarcoma, or thyroid cancer.
  • dPCR Microbial DNA Detection Assays are designed to target critical pathogens responsible for various infectious and tropical diseases, sexually transmitted and urinary tract infections as well as genes associated with antibiotic resistance. The portfolio is also being expanded to detect animal diseases and plant pathogens affecting crops.

QIAGEN release