Beckman Coulter Diagnostics released three new esoteric drugs of abuse assays for the detection of Ketamine, Hydrocodone and Fentayl.
The three tests are designed for use with human urine. The Fentanyl test can measure norfentanyl up to 100% cross-reactivity at a low cutoff of 5 ng/mL.
The Hydrocodone test is intended for the qualitative or semi-quantitative determination of hydrocodone in human urine at a cutoff of 300 ng/mL, while the Ketamine test detects norketamine in human urine at the cutoff values of 50ng/mL.
In the American Journal of Clinical Pathology, fresh whole blood samples were collected from 566 healthy children and adolescents (birth to <21 years). The samples were analyzed for 47 hematologic parameters on the Beckman Coulter DxH 900. Age- and sex-specific reference standards were calculated based on the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines. The study established a robust database of pediatric reference standards for 47 hematologic parameters in the Canadian Laboratory Initiative on Pediatric Reference Intervals (CALIPER) cohort for the first time.