Carolyn Hager, MLS (ASCP)CM

Aug. 26, 2024

Lab Clinical Trainer

Wisconsin Diagnostic Laboratories

Age: 40

Hometown: Sparta, Wisconsin

Alma mater: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Number of years of experience: 18

Someone you look up to in the industry: Dr. James O. Westgard is a true leader in quality. I was fortunate to have been a student in his classroom, but his knowledge and influence for monitoring and setting standards for quality has made an international impact on not only the work performed in a clinical laboratory, but also many other industries.

Favorite hobby: Crafting with my kids and tending to my garden

Favorite thing about working in a lab: The people I have been fortunate to learn from and work alongside. Every day their efforts contribute to the exceptional care of nearly every patient in every department of the health system.